Interview Prep List
Prepare your questions. Some interviewees will want to review them before agreeing to an interview.
Confirm that you have the permission of the person being filmed.
Secure your site for the interview
Prep your equipment
2 cellphones. 1 to record video. 1 to record audio.
Charge both cellphones completely.
Clear memory to save video files
Immediately Before Interview:
Turn all other cellphones not being used to record to SILENT
Turn off any music, tvs, air conditioners, refrigerators (basically anything that is audible)
Makes sure the interviewee knows to rephrase the question in their answer.
Tell the interviewee that you will not be responding audibly, just nodding, so your voice will not be recorded.
Set up your frame/shot.
Interviewee should not be up against a wall.
In a comfortable chair that doesn’t squeak or rotate
Lighting is on their face
The background behind the interviewee tells us something about the character
During the interview:
When camera is rolling, ask the interviewee for their verbal permission to film them.
Ask them to introduce themselves.
Check your camera and sound device periodically to be sure they’re still recording.
Get additional b-roll shots of the interviewees hands in their lap, hands in motion, them looking into the camera, them looking away from the camera (record at least 30 seconds of each shot)