
The sound of silence is never the absence of sound. It’s the sound of the space, the room, the location, where you recorded. Some sounds can over power and affect your audio: like the hum of a refrigerator’s motor, the air conditioning or the traffic on the street entering through an open window. Always use headphones to listen to what background noises are present where you are recording and be conscious of what you can control or eliminate. Unplug the fridge. Close the window. Turn off the radio or tv. You’ll be grateful later when you’re editing!


Recording Interviews

Talking with someone for an interview can be recording in many different ways: walking and talking, recording while doing something together (like preparing a meal), or sitting down together in the classic “Talking Head” style. Always mic your subject separately for the highest quality sound.

Sound Effects

Even with what sounds you’ve recorded you find you want to enhance it with additional sounds, like of a door opening or closing, a telephone ringing, the sound of water running… Check out for an open source platform to find recordings and contribute your own.


Find royalty free music here or create your own! Some musicians, like Moby, will offer their music at no cost if you are an independent, non-profit filmmakerstudent, or in need of free music for their independent, non-profit film, video, or short. Check out